The liver is essential for survival, performing vital functions like detoxification and metabolism. Without it, life is impossible, but partial liver transplants can help.
The liver regulates metabolism, detoxifies blood, produces bile, and supports immune function, making it indispensable for survival.
Unlike some organs, total liver removal leads to death within hours as the body loses its ability to filter toxins and regulate metabolism.
Patients with liver failure can survive through liver transplants, where a healthy liver is transplanted from a donor.
A person can survive with part of their liver intact, as it has an incredible ability to regenerate and restore lost function.
The liver can regrow up to 70% of its mass, making partial transplants and resections viable treatment options for patients.
Without a functioning liver, toxins build up, causing fatal conditions like hepatic encephalopathy, jaundice, and organ failure.
In some cases, liver dialysis and medications temporarily support function until a transplant or recovery occurs.
Maintaining liver health through diet, hydration, and avoiding alcohol and toxins helps prevent disease and the need for transplants.
The liver is vital for survival. While total removal is fatal, transplants and regeneration allow recovery, making liver health essential for a long and healthy life.